Evangelismo 2015 Lesson #5

Plan to evangelize


Intro: Do you like to keep your room clean or messy and why?



  1. Mark 16:15-18, Luke 19:10 God has called us as Christians to evangelize. When we know Christ we have the responsibility to reach out and share Christ with others.
    1. Matt 28:18-20 Jesus directed us to personally share Christ with the lost and make evangelism the center focus of the church.
      1. 2 Tim 4:5 To have the greatest impact we can evangelistically, we need to plan set times of evangelism in our lives and in our ministries.
      2. Acts 16:30-31 We need to invite people to become saved, or rededicate their lives to Christ in our weekly church services and in our Crossfire cell groups.
    2. Rom 10:13-14 We also need to make sure that the events we do such as camps, crusades, and concerts have clear opportunities to accept Christ.
  2. Acts 1:8, Acts 8:12-13 We also need to plan evangelistic outreaches where we go out into the streets, and from door to door directly sharing Jesus with people.
    1. 1 Cor 3:5-8 Every time we share the gospel, and give people an opportunity to choose life through Christ, we are planting seeds.
      1. Matt 9:37-38 We are not supposed to spend all of our time arguing with people who’s hearts are hardened, and miss those who are open to God.
      2. Isaiah 50:4 We need to led by the Holy Spirit, and be willing to reach out to whoever God directs us to even if they appear like they may not want to hear us.
    2. Prov 11:30, Deut 30:19 There is nothing more important that we can do on earth than to lead others to Christ, everyone of us should daily plan to evangelize!




  1. Can you share a recent testimony of a time when people got saved in your church service and in your Crossfire cell groups?
  2. Why do you think events such as camps, crusades, and concerts are so effective in bringing people to Christ?
  3. Who can share a testimony of a time when you led someone to Jesus who appeared initially like they would not be open to the Gospel?
  4. What is your personal plan to evangelize those you know who are unsaved or backslidden?


End:Pray for any who want to get saved, or rededicate their lives to Christ, pray for those you know who don’t know Christ, then take requests.