Evangelism 2015 Lesson #8
Empowered to Evangelize
Intro: What is your favorite action movie and why?
- Mark 16:15-18, Luke 19:10 God has called us as Christians to evangelize. When we know Christ we have the responsibility to reach out and share Christ with others.
- Acts 1:8, Psalms 2:8 The bible tells us that the Holy Spirit will empower us to be his witnesses to the world.
- 1 Cor 4:20 Christianity is more than church services and events that we attend, God desires to demonstrate his power through our lives to a lost and dying world
- Mark 13:11 God promises that when we step out in evangelism, and share Christ with others, that he will give us the right words to say.
- Isaiah 6:8, John 3:16 God will send his power on those who are willing to step up, and go wherever he wants them to go, and do whatever he wants them to do.
- Acts 1:8, Psalms 2:8 The bible tells us that the Holy Spirit will empower us to be his witnesses to the world.
- Luke 24:49, 2 Cor 5:20 God promises to clothe us in his power, It is this power of the Holy Spirit that will protect us, provide for us, and anoint us to do his will.
- 1 Pet 4:12-13 Not only will God anoint us to share the Gospel with the lost, he will anoint us to confront and overcome every problem or obstacle that gets in our way.
- Isaiah 53:5,James 5:14-16 God will anoint us with power to pray for those who are sick, bound, or addicted and see them sealed and set free.
- Luke 9:1, Luke 10:19 God will give us power over every demonic spirit, stronghold, and evil presence that may try to attack, detour, or stop us.
- 1 Cor 2:4-5, John 14:12 These demonstrations of power serve as signs of the reality of God to draw those who are lost, or backslidden to Christ.
- 1 Pet 4:12-13 Not only will God anoint us to share the Gospel with the lost, he will anoint us to confront and overcome every problem or obstacle that gets in our way.
- Why do you think the world needs a clear demonstration of the power of God?
- Who here has a testimony of a time when you were healed, delivered, or set free by the power of God?
- Can you share a testimony of someone who experienced the power of God, and as a result, they gave their life to Christ?
- Who here feels God is calling you right now to step out in a new way in evangelism? What is the step you feel God is directing you to take?
End: Pray for any who need to accept Christ, or rededicate their lives to Christ, pray for this who want a stronger anointing of the Holy Spirit, then take requests.