“Empowered to Conquer” Lesson # 5
“ Empowered through Prayer! “
Intro: Who do you know who prays more than anyone else you have ever met?
- Romans 8:37, John 3:3-5 When we accept Christ we are born again, we are born into a life
of salvation and victory found only in Jesus which allows us to conquer everything in our way.- Phil 4:6-8 In order for us to remain strong in God, fulfill Gods will for our lives, and conquer everything the devil will throw at us, we must develop a strong prayer life.
- Gal 5:7-8 There are many young people who fall into temptation, backslide and fall away from God simply because they do not have a set daily time of personal prayer.
- Genesis 3:8 We are designed by God with a need to be in daily communion with God through prayer, so when we don’t pray we will be weak and vulnerable to attacks.
- 2 Thess 5:17 However when we develop a strong personal prayer life we will find supernatural strength to resist temptations, to persevere, and to minister to others.
- Phil 4:6-8 In order for us to remain strong in God, fulfill Gods will for our lives, and conquer everything the devil will throw at us, we must develop a strong prayer life.
- Matt 14:23, Luke 5:16 Jesus personally pulled away from the ministry, from people and from all the distractions of this life and he prayed to God.
- 1 Cor 11:1 If Jesus the son of God needed a personal set time of prayer to remain strong how much more do we need to develop a consistent personal time of prayer.
- Matt 6:6 Although it is important that we pray together in church, and that we pray for others, corporate times of prayer should never substitute for personal times of prayer!
- Romans 8:26-27 If we are unsure exactly how to pray or what to pray for, we need to step out and pray trusting that the Holy Spirit will give us the right words to pray.
- James 5:16, Ephesians 6:18 Each one of us needs to establish a personal daily time of prayer where we pray to God with our list of requests, receive strength from God, and where we listen to him in prayer to lead and guide our lives! #Borntoconquer!
- 1 Cor 11:1 If Jesus the son of God needed a personal set time of prayer to remain strong how much more do we need to develop a consistent personal time of prayer.
- Do you personally have a set time of prayer each day? If so when do you pray and for how long do you pray each day?
- What are some of the greatest distractions that keep youth and young adults from developing a consistent prayer time?
- What are some of the many benefits of developing a strong and consistent prayer life? What are some of the problems that arise when we don’t have a strong prayer life?
- What are some steps that we can take to develop and maintain a strong consistent personal daily time of prayer?
End: Pray for those who desire to have a strong prayer life, Pray for any who need to accept Christ or rededicate their lives to Jesus, then take requests.