Intro: Who is one leader you have great respect for and look up to?
- 1 Tim 4:12, Ecc 12:1 The bible tells us that we are to serve God, give him our all, and rise up to lead even while we are youth and young adults.
- 2 Kings 22:1-2, 1 Sam 16:11-13 The Bible is full of stories of God using young people who followed him with all of their hearts, and became great leaders.
- 2 Cor 12:9 God is not waiting for you to be perfect, qualified, rich or old, God wants to use you right now to change this generation.
- 1 Peter 5:5-6 God is looking for those who are living right before him, are humble, teachable, and willing to step up and do whatever is needed.
- Col 3:23-24 When God has leaders who have the right heart, are willing to be fully committed and work hard, then the world can truly be changed.
- 2 Kings 22:1-2, 1 Sam 16:11-13 The Bible is full of stories of God using young people who followed him with all of their hearts, and became great leaders.
- 1 Cor 2:4, 1 Sam 16:7 Many people feel they cant lead because they aren’t the most gifted, qualified, or well spoken, God is simply looking for those who are willing.
- Exodus 4:10-12 Many young people don’t become leaders because they are afraid, afraid they wont know what to say, or that they will make mistakes.
- Acts 9:1-6 Others feel disqualified because they made mistakes in their past, but God can use people who have made mistakes.
- 1 Cor 12:27 The church needs this generation to step up and become the leaders God is calling us to be, every single one of us are called to lead.
- 2 Sam 11:1-4 People backslide when they are inactive, in order to “keep the fire burning”, we must rise up and become leaders who can change this generation.
- Exodus 4:10-12 Many young people don’t become leaders because they are afraid, afraid they wont know what to say, or that they will make mistakes.
- Have you ever dealt with fear in becoming a leader? What were you afraid of? How did you get over those fears?
- Why is it important as leaders that we don’t become prideful, but rather we remain humble, teachable, and live holy before God?
- Why is it absolutely necessary to “Keep the fire burning” that we each make sure we are active in serving, helping and leading in the ministry?
- In what ways do you feel God is calling you to be a leader? How can you better serve and give your all in where God has planted you?
End: Pray for those who need to rise up and become leaders, pray for requests, then invite any new young people to come to church with you this Sunday.