“ Empowered to reach the lost! “ lesson #4

“Empowered to reach the lost in your schools, universities, and work!“

Intro:  If you could have any job in the world, where would you like to work and why?


  1. Isaiah 48:16, Acts 1:8 God has called us to live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit so that we can reach the lost, be victorious, and able to accomplish His purposes here in this world!
    1. Mathew 28:18-20 Everyone of us as Christians are called to evangelize! Our purpose is to reach the lost who are all around us with the Gospel!
      1. Romans 1:16  Everyday Christian youth and young adults are surrounded by unsaved people in their schools, universities, and at their jobs.
      2. Mathew 9:37-38 Therefore it is extremely important that we have a plan to evangelize and reach this major harvest field of lost people that surround us every day.
    2. Ephesians 5:15-16 We must remember to be a good example to all those who are around us and take advantage of every opportunity that God gives us to evangelize.
  2. Mark 16:15, Mathew  5:14-16 God is calling everyone of us to be a light in this dark world and win as many people to Jesus as we possibly can! Our purpose is evangelism!
    1. Matt 5:14-16 One of the major ways that we can be a light in our schools and universities is to speak up for what is right when professors teach that which is against the Word of God or when other students use profanity, speak perverted, drink, or use drugs around us.
      1. Col 4:5  We then need to watch for opportunities the Lord will give us to present the Gospel to people and offer to pray them through the sinners prayer!
      2. Heb 10:25 We also need to invite those who are unsaved in our schools and our jobs to our Crossfire cell groups and to our church so they can learn more about Christ.
    2. Prov 28:1, Rom 10:14 The Holy Spirit will empower us to win as many people to Jesus as possible in our schools, universities, and in our work! We need to step out, face our fears, and boldly seize every opportunity that God gives us! #Empowered


  1. What are some of the many things that are now taught or promoted in schools and universities today that are directly against Gods Word?
  2. Does anyone here have an example of a time when you stood for what was right when those around you were doing wrong in your school, university, or work?
  3. Why is it so important that we stand for what is right, and look for opportunities to win people to Jesus in our schools, universities, and at our work?
  4. Has anyone here personally led someone to Jesus in your school, university or at your job? If so, share your testimony of how you led them to Jesus?

End: Pray for those who want to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to win the lost to Christ in their schools, universities, and jobs. Then pray for those who want to accept Jesus or rededicate their lives to Christ, then take requests.