“ Empowered to reach the lost! “ lesson #5

“Empowered to reach the lost where you live!“

Intro:  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you like to live and why?


  1. Isaiah 48:16, Mark 16:15 God has called us to live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit so that we can reach the lost, be victorious, and able to accomplish His purposes in this world!
    1. Mathew 28:18-20 Everyone of us as Christians are called to evangelize! Our purpose is to reach the lost who are all around us with the Gospel!
      1. Matt 5:14-16 Everyone of us are surrounded by people who are unsaved who live in our neighborhoods, our cities, our states, and in our own country.
      2. Acts 1:8 The Holy Spirit will anoint us to win the lost in 3 major areas: #1 “Jerusalem” our immediate neighborhoods and areas where we live, #2. “Judea/Samaria”, other parts of our cities and our country #3. “The ends of the earth” Other countries.
    2. Gal 5:7-8 The devil wants the fewest amount of people possible to get saved, so he will do everything he can to keep us silent and prevent us from winning people around us to Christ.
  2. Romans 1:17, Proverbs 28:1 God is calling us to overcome all of our fears and excuses and step out to boldly evangelize and win as many people to Christ as possible!
    1. Luke 4:21 Every single person that you know should know that you are a Christian! God has put you in the exact place He wants you to be in order to win those people to Christ
      1. Col 4:5  We need to watch for the opportunities God will open up for us, and take the time to talk to the people we see everyday about Christ.
      2. Heb 10:25 We also need to invite all of the youth and young adults we know to our Crossfire cell groups and to our churches so they can hear more about Jesus!
    2. Luke 24:49, Rom 10:13-15 The Holy Spirit will empower us to win unsaved people to Christ in every setting in our lives, including the unsaved in our neighborhoods, those who live around us, as well as those who we see every day! #Empowered


  1. What are some of the excuses youth and young adults give for not evangelizing and sharing their faith with those who they see everyday in their neighborhoods?
  2. Why is it so important for us to face our fears, overcome our excuses and boldly evangelize every unsaved person in our neighborhoods?
  3. Can you give an example of a time when you shared Christ with someone in your neighborhood? Did they accept Christ? What happened?
  4. Who are some unsaved people you know where you live who you want to evangelize and lead to Christ? What is your plan to evangelize them?

End: Pray for those who want to evangelize the lost who live in their neighborhoods and win them to Christ.Then pray for those who want to accept Jesus or rededicate their lives to Christ, then take requests.