“ Empowered to reach the lost! “ lesson #6

“Empowered to reach the lost in your family!“

Intro:  How many brothers and sisters do you have? Are you the oldest? Youngest? Or in the middle?


  1. Isaiah 48:16, Mark 16:15 God has called us to live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit so that we can reach the lost, be victorious, and able to accomplish His purposes in this world!
    1. Mathew 28:18-20 Everyone of us as Christians are called to evangelize! Our purpose is to reach the lost who are all around us with the Gospel!
      1. Jude 1:23  All of us have family members who are unsaved, and it is extremely important that we share Christ with them as well.
      2. Romans 1:16 Many times we can  just assume that our family members might know God, or that they might be saved, so we don’t say anything to them about Christ.
    2. Isaiah 41:10 There are also many Christian youth and young adults who are afraid to step out and evangelize to their unsaved family members.
  2. Acts 1:8, Matt 9:37-38 Many times we rightfully focus on reaching the lost in the world around us, but forget about our unsaved family members that we see all the time.
    1. Colossians 4:5  We need to make sure that we are taking advantage of every opportunity God will give us to win people to Christ! This includes our unsaved family members.
      1. Ezekiel 3:18-19 It is important to make sure that we do our part and take the time to directly share the Gospel with our family members that may not know Christ.
      2. Romans 10:9-10 After we share the Gospel with our unsaved family members, then we should offer to pray them through the sinners prayer. Have them repeat this prayer:  “Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner, I repent of my sins, and I accept you as my Lord and Savior, thank you for dying on the cross for my sins, and for being my Savior.
    2. Luke 24:49, Rom 10:13-15 The Holy Spirit will empower us to overcome all of our fears and excuses and step out to evangelize and win as many people to Jesus as possible! This includes our unsaved family members! #Empowered


  1. What are some of the reasons many youth and young adults are afraid to share Jesus with their unsaved family members?
  2. Why is it so important that we do not overlook sharing Christ with our unsaved family members that we see all the time?
  3. Does anyone have a testimony of a time when you led someone in your family to Christ? If so, share what happened?
  4. Who are some unsaved family members that you know you need to evangelize?  What is your plan to share Christ with them?

End: Pray for those who want to evangelize the lost who are in their families and win them to Christ. Pray for those who want to accept Jesus or rededicate their lives to Christ, then take requests.