“ Empowered to reach the lost! “ lesson #7

“Empowered to use your gifts to reach the lost“

Intro:  What is one of the talents that God has given to you personally?


  1. Isaiah 48:16, Mark 16:15 God has called us to live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit so that we can reach the lost, be victorious, and able to accomplish His purposes in this world!
    1. Mathew 28:18-20 Everyone of us as Christians are called to evangelize! Our purpose is to reach the lost who are all around us with the Gospel!
      1. Romans 12:6 God has given each of us different talents and abilities, and He wants to empower us to use the gifts He has given us to reach the lost!
      2. Eph 2:10  Some people are called to stand in-front of thousands and preach, while others are gifted to be musicians, writers, teachers, or Christian business owners
    2. 1 Cor 12:14-20 Everyone of us are a different part of the Body of Christ, and all of us are called to use whatever talents God has given us to evangelize and win people to Christ!
  2. Mathew 25:14-26, Luke 9:16-26 Unfortunately there are many Christians who are afraid, intimidated, lazy, or living in sin and they do nothing with the gifts God has given them!
      1. Romans 11:29 We are all given specific gifts when we are born. Some people use their talents for evil, and waste their lives in sin. Some become Christians, but do nothing with their gifts, while other Christians use their gifts to win many people to Christ
      2. 1 Peter 4:10-11 Whatever gift God has given us, it is essential that we use our gifts to evangelize, present the Gospel, and offer to lead other people to Christ!
      3. 1 Tim 4:14 If we are musicians, we should sing about Christ, if we are authors, we should write about Jesus, if we are teachers, we need to teach people how to repent of their sins and accept Jesus, and if we are pastors, then we need to preach the clear message of salvation through Christ and win as many people to Jesus as possible!
    1. Luke 24:49 Eph 4:11-12  If we choose to face our fears, overcome our excuses, and give our talents and abilities to God, then the Holy Spirit will empower us to use our talents to evangelize and win people to Christ! #Empowered


  1. What are some of the many talents youth and young adults have that God can use to evangelize and reach others with the Gospel?
  2. What are some of the excuses many people give for not using the abilities God has given them to evangelize and reach the lost?
  3. What are some steps that we can take to begin to use the gifts God has given us to evangelize and win others to Christ?
  4. Does anyone here have an example of a time when God used a talent that you have to lead someone else to Christ? Is there anyone God is calling you to reach right now? If so, who?

End: Pray for those who want to use their gifts to evangelize and reach the lost  Pray for those who want to accept Jesus or rededicate their lives to Christ, then take requests