“Reach the World” Lesson #8
“A plan to reach the world “
Intro: If you could meet any famous person in the whole world, who would you like to meet and why?
- James 1:15, Rom 6:23 In all countries, all cultures, in all parts of the world the problem of sin is the same! The Bible tells us that the consequence of sin is death.
- Mark 16:15 Every one of us as Christians are called to the same purpose, to win as many people to Jesus as we possibly can! We are called to reach the world!
- Habakkuk 2:2 It is extremely important that we develop a plan to evangelize the lost. We will now review the Crossfire International plan to reach the world!
- Romans 16:5 The main part of the Crossfire plan to reach the world is starting weekly Crossfire cell groups through your church in homes, schools, universities, and other areas where you can reach youth and young adults directly with the Gospel.
- Mathew 28:18-20 Another major strategy that we use to reach this generation with the Gospel is through annual Crossfire camps and evangelistic crusades!
- Mark 16:15 Every one of us as Christians are called to the same purpose, to win as many people to Jesus as we possibly can! We are called to reach the world!
- 2 Cor 5:20, Rom 10:13-15 Evangelism is the center of everything we do through Crossfire International. We should be leading evangelism on the streets before cell groups, crusades, and other events using the Crossfire five step evangelism method we discussed in chapter 5.
- 1 Timothy 4:12 Another major way that we seek to reach the world is through the Crossfire leadership training and implementation, where we help train youth and young adults to be effective leaders in the Kingdom of God, helping to equip them to reach the world!
- Psalms 105:1 God has also called us to reach people in other nations with the Gospel! We also have many Crossfire mission trips to other nations around the world.
- 1 Peter 4:10-11 We also encourage youth and young adults to use the gifts God has given them to reach the world by starting Crossfire drama, dance, and worship teams.
- Mathew 5:14-16, Acts 1:8 One of the main goals we have through Crossfire International is to reach this generation and connect them into the church, so the church can be as effective as possible in reaching the world with the Gospel! #Reachtheworld!
- 1 Timothy 4:12 Another major way that we seek to reach the world is through the Crossfire leadership training and implementation, where we help train youth and young adults to be effective leaders in the Kingdom of God, helping to equip them to reach the world!
- Where are some areas you would like to evangelize, and start a Crossfire cell group? What is your plan, and when are you going to evangelize and start a cell group in those areas?
- What are some talents and gifts that God has given you? In what ways can you begin to use your gifts and talents to evangelize and reach the lost?
- What are some of the excuses people give for not evangelizing and stepping out to do something for God? How can we overcome our excuses and step out to reach the world?
- Why is it important to have a plan to reach the world? What are some steps that you can take to put your plan into action and begin to reach the world?
End: Pray for those who want to step out and be active in reaching the world with the Gospel. Pray for any who need to accept Christ, then take requests.