Signs of the Times
Intro: What is one thing you really want to do before your life is over?
- Mt 16:2-3, Mt 24:4-8 The Bible tells us that when the end times are near, there will be signs beginning to happen in the world around us.
- Mt 24:36 Although no man knows the exact day and hour, certain things will begin to happen on earth letting us know the end is close.
- Isaiah 41:10 When we see these things beginning to happen we should not freak out, panic, and move to a cave.
- Mt 25:13 We as Christians are told to watch, and be prepared so we can respond to the lost world correctly.
- Mt 25:1-12 We need to make sure that we are personally right with God, and that we are helping others get right with God as well.
- Mt 24:36 Although no man knows the exact day and hour, certain things will begin to happen on earth letting us know the end is close.
- Luke 21:8-11, 25-28 Some of the signs that the end times are near are wars, revolutions, earthquakes, famines and signs in the sky.
- Luke 21:25-28, Haggai 2:6 Several verses indicate these events will increase the closer we get to the end times.
- 2 Tim 3:1-5, 1 Tim 4:1,Rom 1:27-32 Other signs will be society accepting perversion, false teaching and sin as a normal way of life.
- Mk 13:24-27 These are some of the signs that indicate that the events of the end times are near.
- Luke 21:29-33 In this new series, we will look at the end times events these signs point to, and how our generation should get ready.
- Luke 21:25-28, Haggai 2:6 Several verses indicate these events will increase the closer we get to the end times.
- Do you feel that there are signs today that the end times are near? If so what do you feel are some signs happening right now in the world?
- What are some examples of false teachings, perversions and sins that cultures around the world are now accepting as normal?
- Why do you think God chose to give us signs of the end, rather than give us an exact day and time when Christ would return?
- What is the correct response that we as Christians should have as we see more and more signs that the end times are near?
End: Pray for any who are not right with God to accept Christ, pray for those who want to reach out to others, then pray for requests.